学院概况 About Us
学院简介 Introduction

北京语言大学汉学与中国学学院(College of Sinology and Chinese Studies of BLCU为实体性教学科研并重型机构,面向全球母语为非汉语的外国人或海外华人华侨,培养有志于学习和研究历史中国和当代中国的高层次专门人才,培养双语及中外互译人才。

Focusing on the integration of entity-based teaching and research, the College of Sinology and Chinese Studies at BLCU admits international students or overseas Chinese whose first language is not Chinese, aiming to educate high-level specialized talents with high aspirations for studying and researching both historical and contemporary China, as well as translators and interpreters or multilingual professionals with proficiency in two foreign languages.


The college consists of three departments and one center, offering seven Bachelor’s programs, including Sinology and Chinese Studies, Translation, Communication Studies, International Organizations and Global Governance, Chinese Language and Culture, Broadcasting and Hosting, and Chinese Language (Bilingual Direction). It features a talent development system that integrates bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, as well as degree and non-degree programs.


The college has more than fifty young and middle-aged scholars actively engaged in teaching and research. Doctoral degrees are held by 35 percent of the faculty, more than 45 percent are professors or associate professors, and more than 50 percent are graduate supervisors.